
This blog is a place for me to process, clarify, and communicate some of the things I care about the most.
Here are some of those things I am passionate about:

Believers in Jesus learning to be FEARLESS THINKERS- willing to HONESTLY engage culture, history, science, and most especially the Bible.

People knowing that God invites them to ‘WRESTLE’ with Him.

That it’s GOOD to be on a JOURNEY, to be in process, and therefore to not always need to be ‘settled’ on every issue.

MEN and WOMEN being free to walk in who God created and calls them to be.

Making JESUS the CENTER of my life and faith- not doctrine, or right-ness, or certainty.

LOVE. It is what we are saved by and what we are saved for.

About me: Daughter of God. Wife. Mama. Friend. Church Leader. Reader. Thinker. Amateur Chef.

1 thought on “About”

  1. Douglas Crawford said:

    Enjoying your writing. Keep up the good work! Your folks must be bery proud. Which more of our “local folks” would express their original ideas like you are doing.

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